Tuesday, July 5, 2011

CameraLock and Activator!!!

I just found out that while CameraLock by Filippobiga is a great app for those who have their iPhone jail broken with 4.1 up to 4.3.3, it has a bug.
This apps is very useful because when you need to take pictures or videos is really fast and easy having it (this apps is going to come integrated in iOS5). But for the meantime we need to fix this bug for those of us who use this awesome app almost everyday.

The problem is that if you take a call and then you hangup and you want to double press the home button so you could see the CameraLock icon and you could take a picture with it, the iPhone will reboot itself and go directly to Safe Mode every time you do this. This just happens when you have a call and hangup.

This is the link to the video so you could understand a little bit more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N75nkSR6sw

Also I would like to thanks Ryan Petrich for the new update of activator (1.5.5)  which fixed ONE of the lockscreen problems. It fixed the emergency call problem that it use to have and that I talked in my blog: http://www.gordidonblog.com/2011/06/activator-causing-problems-in-iphone.html and in this post  there is a  video that I created showing this problem. But like I said this is fixed :)

I also talked about Activator having some problems with CameraLock in the following post: http://www.gordidonblog.com/2011/06/following-up-with-activator-and-lock.html you may check the video too. This particular problem is still happening after the Activator update. Hopefully it would be resolve soon :(

Here is a link to a new video about Activator and CameraLock: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHeVSUPr1qg

Update (3/4/13): This has been fixed. Thanks

1 comment:

  1. Con un Alcatel no tendrias ninguno de esos problemas.. =P
