Friday, June 8, 2012

Add Sources in Cydia!!!

Cydia is the "App Store" for the Jailbreak community. It comes loaded with sources + packages by default but there are many other sources that are useful and people may want to add them. You as an user have to be careful which sources you are adding and which packages you are downloading from them. Some of these packages can harm your iDevices if download into it. Also some sources encourage piracy (eg.Hackulos) and I don't recommend adding it.
Here is a link of a list of sources you may want to add to Cydia but remember that you are adding these sources and downloading packages from them at your own risk. You may also find more in google.

Now lets start on how to add sources in Cydia.

1- On the iPhone/iPod open Cydia and press the Manage tab and then Sources option. On the iPad it would just show the Sources tab, so you press it.

Press the Source Tab.
2- On the top right corner press the button that says Edit.

Edit button on the top right corner.
3- Now you will notice that in the top left corner you have an Add button. Press it to be able to add new sources.
Press Add button on the top left corner.

4- On the pop up put the source you want to add and then press the Add Source button, and you are done. Enjoy you newly added source by downloading packages that you may like.

Add the new source in this box.

This is a very simple thing to do but many may be wondering how to do it. Hope you can now enjoy your iDevices even more. Now you are good to go, so start experiencing with your iDevices.

As always if you have any questions or suggestions about my posts, you may Contact Me.

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